T.U.F.F. Puppy Wiki
Turbo Undercover Fighting Force
Turbo Undercover Fighting Force in Mall Rat
Turbo Undercover Fighting Force HQ
A.K.A.: T.U.F.F.
Organization Information
Herbert Dumbrowski
Type of Organization:
Anti-Crime Force

Law enforcement Agency

321 Main Street
237 W. Olive Ave, Petropolis, CA (Snappy Campers)
Production Information
First Appearance:
  Purr-fect Partners

The Turbo Undercover Fighting Force, also known as T.U.F.F., is a titular location in the series of the same name. It is an organization that Dudley, Kitty, Keswick, and The Chief work for in the United States that is located in the all-animal city of Petropolis, California. Most of the agents have badges to show everyone that they work at T.U.F.F.. The purpose of the organization is to protect Petropolis and possibly the world.

Known Agents[]


  • The agency's acronym is a pun on the word "tough"..
  • T.U.F.F. has teleportation tubes that go to Petsburg and the North Pole, as seen in both Mission: Really Big Mission and A Doomed Christmas, respectively.
  • The animal picture on the T.U.F.F. badge is based of the animal the agent is.
  • It is revealed in Freaky Spy Day that the doors at T.U.F.F. aren't always locked.
  • Despite being a secret agency that has "undercover" in the acronym, T.U.F.F.'s operations are never kept secret.
  • The address of the T.U.F.F. HQ differs. In one instance it's stated to be "321 Main Street" while in another it's stated to be "237 W. Olive Ave".


Turbo Undercover Fighting Force
Dudley PuppyKitty KatswellKeswickThe Chief
Other Agents: Agent AmoebaAgent BaconBobbyAgent BossyAgent BullGeorge LooneyAgent GoldfishAgent GroundhogAgent Guinea PigAgent HammerheadAgent JumboAgent KidKIL-RAgent MobyNocturnal T.U.F.F. AgentsAgent NutzPercivalAgent RodentskiAgent ScarecrowAgent SeabiscuitAgent Sea CucumberAgent SkunkScary JimmySally ManderTammyT.U.F.F. Troopers