T.U.F.F. Puppy Wiki


  • The episode's title is a play on the idiom "toast of the town", which refers to someone who is most admired in a particular place. Keswick's referral to R.I.T.A. as the "toast of T.U.F.F." is fitting, as her primary directive is to toast food.
  • R.I.T.A. taking over the T.U.F.F. HQ's electronic mainframe is similar to H.A.L. taking over the ship in 2001: A Space Odyssey.
  • When R.I.T.A. adapts all the electronics onto herself, it's similar to when Technus from Danny Phantom does the same thing.
  • The background design of the 4th dimension is similar to the background of the GhostZone from Butch Hartman's other show Danny Phantom.

Running Gags

  • Someone mistaking one of Keswick's holograms for the real Keswick and hologram Keswick says that he is "over there".


  • When The Chameleon is turned into a worm, his Molecular Transformation Suit disappears.
  • At D.O.O.M. HQ it is night, but at the Chameleon's house, it is daytime. It is possible that it was midnight when they were at the D.O.O.M. HQ, and turned into morning when they went to The Chameleon's house.

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