T.U.F.F. Puppy Wiki
T.U.F.F. Puppy Wiki

"Toast Of T.U.F.F."
Season 1, Episode 9
Toast of TUFF Title Card
Airdate: October 23, 2010

September 14, 2011 (France)

Villain(s) Featured: Verminious Snaptrap
The Chameleon
Writer(s): Ray DeLaurentis
Will Schifrin
Kevin Sullivan
Director(s): Gary Conrad
Storyboards by: Aaron Hammersley
Puppy Love
« Transcript »

Toast Of T.U.F.F. is the ninth episode of T.U.F.F. Puppy's first season.


It's a normal day at T.U.F.F. when The Chief says something urgent is going on. He asks Keswick to play the security camera footage, but Keswick has it meddled up with a tape from a birthday party. The Chief says that he thought he was at T.U.F.F, but Keswick claims it was his hologram. The Chief says that the toaster is broken. Then everyone panics as if it was the end of the world. Kitty (who seems the most desperate) begs Keswick to fix the toaster. Keswick comes back with a now fixed upgraded toaster. The toaster introduces herself. "R.I.T.A." offers to cook everyone's food. Some of the agents have grown fat from eating too much. The Chief wishes that everything was exactly like R.I.T.A. and then R.I.T.A. grants his wish. A confused Kitty asks R.I.T.A. what she has done. Dudley asks Kitty if anything's creeping her out, but Kitty was more creeped out by Keswick. Before the agents have time to figure out what R.I.T.A.'s going to do next, The Chief gets intel.

Home Media[]


  • T.U.F.F. Puppy: Season 1


  • T.U.F.F. Puppy: Volume 1


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