T.U.F.F. Puppy Wiki
Rabbit Tammy Organized Crime2
Gender: Female
Species: Rabbit
Hair color:       Ginger
      Light Tan
Eye color:       Teal
Personal Information
Production Information
First Appearance:
  Toast Of T.U.F.F.
Last Appearance:
  T.U.F.F. Love
Voiced by:
Grey DeLisle-Griffin
Debora Magnaghi (Italian Dub)

“Hi-yah, yall!”
Tammy, T.U.F.F. Love

Tammy is a tan Southern Belle rabbit and a prominent secretary of T.U.F.F.. She was initially introduced as a meager one-off character role, acting as a hastily hired personal secretary for the villain-of-the-week R.I.T.A., but she has since gone on to become one of the more prominent secondary characters in the series and has made numerous reoccurring appearances, most notably in Toast of T.U.F.F., Thunder Dog, The Wrong Stuff, The Spelling Bee, Organized Crime and T.U.F.F. Love.

She is shown to be held in high esteem by both the members of the agency and villains alike and is regarded as one of the few competent agents in T.U.F.F. alongside Kitty. Her capabilities were the crux of the episode "Organized Crime" in which she was kidnapped by the villains almost exclusively because of her secretarial proficiency.

She is portrayed with a cheery and enthusiastic personality and a voice laden with a thick Southern accent. In later appearances she is known to add the contraction “y’all” to the end of her sentences, even when not addressing a group. She is voiced by Grey Griffin.



  • "So you're out for the rest of the day then? Okay!" (Toast of T.U.F.F.)
  • "Dudley, your dentist called! He wants you to come in for a root canal!" (Thunder Dog)
  • "Oh, you're so zany and random with your fake situations that would never happen in a million years!" (Organized Crime)
  • "Hi-yah, y'all!" (T.U.F.F. Love)


  • Tammy is similar to Miss Moneypenny from the James Bond series because of their clever personalities.
  • Tammy's name, appearance, and personality may be an homage to the character of the same name from the 1948 novel Tammy Out of Time and the accompanying film and TV series from 1957-1964.
  • Tammy's appearance has gone through several revisions over the course of the series:
    • When she first appeared in Toast of T.U.F.F. her appearance was that of having white fur, visible buck teeth, a prominently tan muzzle, while dressed in a blue outfit consisting of a dress shirt and skirt.
    • With her second appearance in Thunder Dog, her appearance was simplified to having tan fur, no separately colored muzzle, no visible buck teeth, and with her outfit changed to that of a full length purple business dress (notably simplifying her walk cycle).
    • Her latest iteration as seen in T.U.F.F. Love retains the same basic features but with her hair changed to a deeper shade of ginger and her dress to a lighter shade of purple.
    • Furthermore, a completely recolored version of her first iteration can be seen in The Wrong Stuff, where she is depicted with yellow fur, brown hair, and magenta clothing.
    • Finally, while not explicitly Tammy, an incidental court room secretary in the episode Subliminal Criminal is seen reusing Tammy's character model and is portrayed with blue fur, hair, and purple attire.
  • She is shown to deny her crush on Keswick in Organized Crime where New showed her a scrambler that depicted an image of what their baby would look like, and she said: "Oh, you're so zany and random with your fake situations that would never happen in a million years." But she later kissed him after his invention saved her in the end.
  • In T.U.F.F. Love, she was a bit freaked out when Keswick got a little clingy, trying to impress and win her over. She later fell for him as he saved her life from her robot counterpart. They are now a couple.
  • In Butch Hartman's drawings featuring an older Keswick 10 years later, features his son and daughter implying he created them, meaning that he and Tammy no longer have feelings anymore.


Turbo Undercover Fighting Force
Dudley PuppyKitty KatswellKeswickThe Chief
Other Agents: Agent AmoebaAgent BaconBobbyAgent BossyAgent BullGeorge LooneyAgent GoldfishAgent GroundhogAgent Guinea PigAgent HammerheadAgent JumboAgent KidKIL-RAgent MobyNocturnal T.U.F.F. AgentsAgent NutzPercivalAgent RodentskiAgent ScarecrowAgent SeabiscuitAgent Sea CucumberAgent SkunkScary JimmySally ManderTammyT.U.F.F. Troopers