T.U.F.F. Puppy Wiki

The first season of T.U.F.F. Puppy premiered on October 2, 2010 with the airing of Purr-fect Partners and Doom-mates. It contains 26 production pairs.

The season ended on May 27, 2012 with the airing of Lie Like a Dog and Cold Fish.


Title Card Name Villains Code Premiered
Purr-fect Partners Title Card Purr-fect Partners Verminious Snaptrap
101A October 2, 2010

Dudley Puppy is introduced to the super-secret undercover organization Turbo Undercover Fighting Force (T.U.F.F.) and his reluctant new partner, Kitty Katswell. The heroic super agents team up to stop Verminious Snaptrap, D.O.O.M.’s ill-mannered supreme leader, from enslaving all of the rats in Petropolis. Together, Dudley and Kitty promise to be quite an imposing crime-fighting duo.

Doom-mates Title Card Doom-mates The Chameleon 101B October 2, 2010

When Kitty Katswell’s life is in danger, it’s up to Dudley Puppy to save his crime-fighting sidekick from the villainous Chameleon. Unfortunately one problem remains: who will protect Kitty from Dudley’s unique brand of “protection?”

Mall Rat Title Card Mall Rat Verminious Snaptrap
102A October 16, 2010

After spending time in prison, Snaptrap convinces the T.U.F.F. agents that he wants to put his evil ways behind him. Kitty remains unconvinced even when Snaptrap goes on a “good deed” spree and gives out free goodies to the citizens of Petropolis. When Snaptrap reveals his true intentions and launches the crowded Petropolis mall into the sun, it’s up to Kitty to save them from imminent danger.

Operation Happy Birthday Title Card Operation: Happy Birthday Verminious Snaptrap
102B October 16, 2010

Dudley is determined to give Kitty the best birthday of her life, so he plans a surprise party at T.U.F.F. headquarters and give her what she's always wanted, to defeat a bad guy during her special day. But the festivities are threatened when the crime-busting duo’s latest mission requires them to stop Snaptrap’s plan to rid the world of cheese with a giant cheese magnet.

Snapnapped Title Card Snapnapped Verminious Snaptrap
103A November 6, 2010

Keswick is convinced by Snaptrap to build D.O.O.M. a new doomsday device, after he starts feeling unappreciated at T.U.F.F.

Mom-a-Geddon Title Card Mom-A-Geddon Bird Brain
103B November 6, 2010

Dudley hasn't told his over-protective mother, Peg Puppy, that he is a T.U.F.F. super spy. However, when the maniacal genius Bird Brain takes Peg prisoner, Dudley must save her and, in the process, reveal his career as a crime-fighting agent.

Cruisin' for a Bruisin' Title Card Cruisin' for a Bruisin' Verminious Snaptrap
104A October 9, 2010

To distract Dudley from bothering her on T.U.F.F.’s vacation cruise, Kitty lies and tells him that they’re on a stake-out. Little does she know, Snaptrap and his iceberg of D.O.O.M. are actually headed right for their cruise ship.

Puppy Love Title Card Puppy Love The Chameleon 104B October 9, 2010

Dudley gets a crush for the new temp at T.U.F.F. Fifi Oui Oui. Kitty and Keswick help him woo her before realizing it’s The Chameleon in disguise bent on destroying T.U.F.F headquarters for good.

Toast of TUFF Title Card Toast of T.U.F.F. R.I.T.A.
Verminious Snaptrap
The Chameleon
105A October 23, 2010

Keswick invents an artificial intelligence toaster capable of doing much more than making perfect toast. When the toaster malfunctions and goes out of control, it’s up to Dudley and Kitty to save the citizens of Petropolis.

Share-A-Lair Title Card Share-A-Lair The Chameleon
Verminious Snaptrap
105B October 23, 2010

In an ironic twist, T.U.F.F. and D.O.O.M. are forced to share office space after destroying each others headquarters. Before completely obliterating each other, the T.U.F.F. and D.O.O.M. agents realize it’s The Chameleon who has turned them against each other in an effort to further his own ambitions of domination.

Dog Daze Title Card Dog Daze Verminious Snaptrap
106A November 27, 2010

Snaptrap is convinced that he will never be able to reach his goal of supremacy over Petropolis as long as Dudley works for T.U.F.F. Snaptrap devises an evil plan to hypnotize Dudley and make him act so crazy that the Chief will be forced to fire him.

Internal Affairs Title Card Internal Affairs The Chameleon 106B November 27, 2010

When Dudley is accidentally shrunk to the size of a flea, he convinces Chief to be his partner on one last “tiny” super secret mission. However, he questions the Chief’s judgment when they’re both swallowed by the villainous Chameleon.

Chilly Dog Title Card Chilly Dog Snowflake
107A November 27, 2010

Things get frosty when Dudley and Kitty’s latest secret mission requires that the crime-fighting duo go undercover as ice skaters after the world’s greatest figure skaters are kidnapped.

The Doomies Title Card The Doomies Verminious Snaptrap
Bird Brain
The Chameleon
Madame Catastrophe
Dr. Rabies
107B November 27, 2010

Disguised as super villains, Kitty and Dudley attend the “Doomies Awards,” an award show in which bad guys commit live acts of villainy. Once again, it’s up to the fearless heroes to foil each crime before their identities are discovered.

Thunder Dog Title Card Thunder Dog Bird Brain
108A February 12, 2011

Kitty helps Dudley conquer his fear of thunder in order to stop Bird Brain from using his thunder cannon to bury Petropolis in an avalanche.

Snap Dad Title Card Snap Dad Verminious Snaptrap
Mad Cow
Bird Brain
108B February 12, 2011

Snaptrap and Dudley’s mom, Peg, have fallen in love. Things couldn’t get any worse, or so Dudley thinks, until Snaptrap is inspired by his new girlfriend to turn a new leaf and becomes the newest member of T.U.F.F.

Iron Mutt Title Card Iron Mutt Verminious Snaptrap
109A February 26, 2011

Keswick builds a large body suit for Dudley to make Dudley Petropolis' most popular hero, but when all the fame gets to his head, it is up to Kitty to deflate his huge body and save Petropolis.

The Wrong Stuff Title Card The Wrong Stuff Jack Rabbit
Verminious Snaptrap
109B February 26, 2011

Kitty's old partner, Jack Rabbit, tries to recruit Kitty to work for him at his new secret agency. Dudley doesn't trust Jack and saves Kitty from his evil clutches in the nick of time.

Watch Dog Title Card Watch Dog Verminious Snaptrap
110A January 15, 2011

Using a time travel watch, Dudley tries to go back to the past to outwit Kitty for the last donut left in the T.U.F.F. snack room. However, Dudley accidentally alters the course of time and creates a world in which the malevolent Snaptrap rules and everyone at the agency works for him.

Dog Dish Title Card Dog Dish Verminious Snaptrap
Mad Cow
Wild Turkey
Crazy Horse
Kung Pow Chicken
110B January 15, 2011

Dudley is humiliated when he’s forced to wear a neck cone to keep from scratching. When he finally stops sulking, our fearless canine hero discovers an ingenious way to use the cone to his advantage to save Kitty from a horde of dangerous villains.

Forget Me Mutt Title Card Forget Me Mutt Verminious Snaptrap
111A April 9, 2011

Dudley is the only T.U.F.F. agent who overhears Snaptrap’s latest diabolical plan. Unfortunately, our four-legged hero develops a form of amnesia which has him believing he’s the Chief, Kitty, Keswick and the vile Verminious Snaptrap. Kitty is left to thwart D.O.O.M.’s latest evil plan.

Mind Trap Title card Mind Trap Verminious Snaptrap
The Chameleon
111B April 9, 2011

Dudley, Kitty and Keswick try on a mind-reading helmet and are insulted by The Chief’s secret opinion of them. The wicked Snaptrap steals the mind-reading helmet, goes on a wild crime spree and kidnaps the Chief. The gang must put their hurt feelings aside long enough to rescue the Chief from Snaptrap’s evil clutches.

Kid Stuff Title Card Kid Stuff Verminious Snaptrap
112A August 13, 2011

After discovering a long-forgotten T.U.F.F. rule that prohibits agents from using their blasters in the presence of children, Snaptrap begins bringing kids to the scene of all of his crimes. By disguising Keswick as a beloved children’s TV star, Dudley and Kitty are able to lure the kids to safety and foil Snaptrap’s plan.

Super Duper Crime Busters Title Card Super Duper Crime Busters The Chameleon 112B August 13, 2011

A documentary-style TV show spends a day profiling T.U.F.F. and its super-star agents, but much to the agents’ embarrassment, the television crew arrives on the most boring day at T.U.F.F.

Mission Really Big Mission Title Card Mission: Really Big Mission Verminious Snaptrap
The Chameleon
113 March 31, 2012

While on a mission in space, Dudley accidentally causes the most powerful T.U.F.F. super space laser to break into three pieces. Snaptrap wants the laser for himself so that he can pop all the corn in the world’s “corn belt” in order to raise the price of movie popcorn. However, Snaptrap doesn’t realize that heating the “corn belt” will result in the Earth’s total destruction. The race is on for Dudley and Kitty to get all the pieces back before Snaptrap does.

Frisky Business Title Card Frisky Business Verminious Snaptrap
The Chameleon
Bird Brain
114A August 13, 2011

Dudley’s mother, Peg, goes out of town and leaves him on his own for the very first time. Dudley can’t wait to do all of the things he’s normally not allowed to do

Hot Dog Title Card Hot Dog The Chameleon 114B August 13, 2011

Dudley becomes obsessed with preserving his finely coiffed fur after entering the Petropolis Dog Show and it begins to interfere with his ability to fight crime. When Kitty falls into the hands of the Chameleon, Dudley must make the choice to save Kitty or win the dog show.

Disobedience School Title Card Disobedience School Verminious Snaptrap
115A August 16, 2011

Snaptrap has formed a school for evil and it's up to Dudley to go undercover as an evil student and figure out Snaptrap's end game! Can Dudley stop Snaptrap before Snaptrap figures out that he works for T.U.F.F.?

The Dog Who Cried Fish Title Card The Dog Who Cried Fish The Caped Cod 115B August 16, 2011

Dudley's turn to pick up the office lunch goes horribly awry when he tries to serve up the crazy homicidal Caped Cod, determined to rule the "Above Water" world. Oh, and not to mention, destroy Dudley!

Doom and Gloom Title Card Doom and Gloom Larry
116A November 26, 2011

Larry has finally snapped under Snaptrap's ruthless authority and forms his own evil agency, dubbed "G.L.O.O.M."! Much to Dudley and Kitty's chagrin, it turns out Larry is pretty good at being bad!

Law and Odor Title Card Law and Odor The Stink Bug 116B November 26, 2011

Petropolis' worst smelling villain, The Stink Bug, has returned to make life odorous for T.U.F.F. Keswick has a cold and Dudley's super sensitive snout is rendering him helpless. T.U.F.F. needs a plan and fast, before the Stink Bug turns Petropolis into a cesspool of stench!

The Rat Pack Title Card The Rat Pack Verminious Snaptrap
117A August 19, 2011

When Keswick's cloning machine ends up in the wrong hands, Petropolis is overrun by Snaptraps looting and destroying everything in their path! Things look pretty desperate for T.U.F.F. when Snaptrap sends his clone army to destroy them, but Dudley has a few tricks up his sleeve, including a few extra Dudleys!

Booby Trap Title Card Booby Trap Bird Brain 117B August 19, 2011

Bird Brain's discovery that he is the last blue-bottomed booby in Petropolis lands him on the endangered species list and, unfortunately, off T.U.F.F.'s "Most Wanted" list as they are not allowed to touch him with his newly acquired status! Will Dudley and Kitty be forced to sit idly by as Bird Brain plunders the town? Knowing Dudley and Kitty, not for long!

The Curse of King Mutt Title Card The Curse of King Mutt King Mutt
Verminious Snaptrap
Bird Brain
The Chameleon
118A October 10, 2011

Protecting the King Mutt exhibit at the Petropolis Natural History Museum from all the fiends who want to steal King Mutt’s jewel encrusted bone scepter proves to be a lot more challenging than Dudley and Kitty expected.

Bored of Education Title Card Bored of Education The Chameleon 118B October 10, 2011

Playing it safe at Career Day turns out to be the most dangerous thing Kitty and Dudley ever do! When the Chameleon entices an entire class of first graders into a life of crime, Dudley and Kitty must convince them that it’s bad.

Snappy Campers Title Card Snappy Campers Verminious Snaptrap
119A September 17, 2011

Determined to avenge his youth, Snaptrap has returned to Camp Itchy-Owie-Boo-Boo to win the coveted "Camp Champ" award by any means necessary! Dudley and Kitty go undercover as campers, but foiling Snaptrap may just push him to do something even more diabolical!

Lucky Duck Title Card Lucky Duck Quacky the Duck
Sharing Moose
119B September 17, 2011

Dudley is psyched when he gets chosen to be in a scavenger hunt on his favorite TV show, "Quacky the Duck". But when the hunt gets a bit strange and Kitty questions Quacky's motivations, Dudley must choose between trusting his hero and trusting his partner!

Guard Dog Title Card Guard Dog The Chameleon
Verminious Snaptrap
120A October 10, 2011

When the Chameleon witnesses Snaptrap committing a crime in a neighboring town, he agrees to testify against him. It’s up to Dudley to keep the Chameleon safe from Snaptrap on the long train ride to Petsburgh.

Dog Save the Queen Title Card Dog Save the Queen The Chameleon 120B October 10, 2011

When the Chameleon threatens to relieve the Queen of England of her Crown Jewels, Dudley and Kitty are called in to assist B.U.F.F.-the British Undercover Fighting Force.

A Doomed Christmas Title Card A Doomed Christmas Verminious Snaptrap
Bird Brain
The Chameleon
121 December 10, 2011

Petropolis' villains team up to hi-jack Christmas. So that means Dudley and Kitty will have to stop them and save Santa and his elves right before midnight or nobody will get presents this year!

Big Dog On Campus Title Card Big Dog on Campus Lunch Lady Bug 122A January 16, 2012

Dudley and Kitty go undercover at Dudley's high school reunion to find the villain who is threatening to annihilate everyone there.

Dogs Best Friend Title Card Dog's Best Friend Verminious Snaptrap
122B January 16, 2012

Dudley becomes friends with a robot that Verminious Snaptrap sent to destroy T.U.F.F.

Dudley Do-Wrong Title Card Dudley Do-Wrong The Chameleon 123A May 6, 2012

The Chameleon impersonates Mayor Teddy Bear and closes down T.U.F.F. HQ, turning all of Petropolis against our heroes. Dudley and the gang at T.U.F.F. keeps working together to defeat the Chameleon and save the real mayor.

Puppy Unplugged Title Card Puppy Unplugged Bird Brain
123B May 6, 2012

Bird Brain plunges the world into a technology-less void. It's up to Kitty, Dudley and some alien technology to get Petropolis power back up and online!

Top Dog Title Card Top Dog F.L.O.P.P. 124A May 20, 2012

While Dudley overzealously takes over for a sick Chief, the Fiendish League Of Potential Perpetrators, or F.L.O.P.P. for short, attempts to make their first crime debut!

Quack in the Box Title Card Quack in the Box Quacky the Duck
Sharing Moose
124B May 20, 2012

Quacky and Sharing Moose are back to get revenge on Dudley for putting them in jail. They opened up a fast food chain and try to frame Dudley for taking out the competition!

Monkey Business Title Card Monkey Business Bird Brain
125A April 21, 2012

A popular boy band needs T.U.F.F. to protect them, but Dudley is no fan of theirs.

Diary of a Mad Cat Title card Diary of a Mad Cat Bird Brain
The Chameleon
125B April 21, 2012

Dudley erroneously leaks out Kitty's diary in a mass e-mail, exposing all of her vulnerabilities to her foes.

Titlecard-Lie Like a Dog Lie Like a Dog Verminious Snaptrap
The Chameleon
126A May 27, 2012

Dudley constantly lies about having a dentist appointment to get out of work at T.U.F.F., but he ends up stopping villains while he is relaxing, and he has to conceal his identity when he is caught on camera, and he can't claim the rewards he is offered for fear of exposure.

Titlecard-Cold Fish Cold Fish The Caped Cod 126B May 27, 2012

The Caped Cod breaks free and threatens to flood the whole city of Petropolis by melting the Riceberg Ice bird Iceberg.

T.U.F.F. Puppy seasons
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