Peg Puppy, the mother of Dudley Puppy, is a recurring character in T.U.F.F. Puppy.
Peg Puppy is Dudley's overprotective and overbearing mom. She's a bit nervous about Dudley being an agent, but she wants him to do what makes him happy. Now, if he'd only wear pants…[1]
She once dated Verminious Snaptrap and The Chameleon. In Snap Dad, she’s shown to not have a husband, which shows she's either divorced or widowed. In Mom-A-Geddon, Peg disapproves of Dudley's occupation, but after seeing him in action, she supports him in his job. She thinks that Kitty is Dudley's secretary, and never gets her name right by calling her Mitzy.
Dudley does love his mom but as shown In The Wrong Stuff, she usually nags Dudley in a stereotypical motherly manner when he's home which understandably annoys him.