- 'Cause You're a Dude, Girl
- 'Til Doom Do Us Part
- 'Til Doom Do Us Part/Appearances
- 'Til Doom Do Us Part/Images
- 'Til Doom Do Us Part/Quotes
- 'Til Doom Do Us Part/Trivia
- 'Til Doom Do Us Part (transcript)
- 3 Days Ago
- A Doomed Christmas
- A Doomed Christmas/Appearances
- A Doomed Christmas/Images
- A Doomed Christmas/Quotes
- A Doomed Christmas/Trivia
- A Doomed Christmas (transcript)
- A Tale of Two Kitties
- A Tale of Two Kitties/Appearances
- A Tale of Two Kitties/Images
- A Tale of Two Kitties/Trivia
- A Tale of Two Kitties (transcript)
- Aaron Hammersley
- Acting TUFF
- Acting TUFF/Appearances
- Acting TUFF/Images
- Acting TUFF/Quotes
- Acting TUFF/Trivia
- Acting TUFF (transcript)
- Agent Amoeba
- Agent Bacon
- Agent Bossy
- Agent Bull
- Agent Deer
- Agent Goldfish
- Agent Groundhog
- Agent Guinea Pig
- Agent Hammerhead
- Agent Jumbo
- Agent Kid
- Agent Meow Meow & Agent Bark Bark
- Agent Moby
- Agent Nutz
- Agent Rodentski
- Agent Sea Cucumber
- Agent Seabiscuit
- Agent Skunk
- Agent Weaselman
- Agent of the Year
- Agent of the Year/Appearances
- Agent of the Year/Images
- Agent of the Year/Quotes
- Agent of the Year/Trivia
- Agent of the Year (transcript)
- Agreeable Kitty
- Air Unfreshener
- Al Croaker
- Aliens
- Are you T.U.F.F. Enough?
- Argh-By's
- Arts and Crafts Badger
- Atomic Bomb Pop
- Back to Phil's Street
- Bad Dog
- Bad Eggs
- Bad Eggs/Appearances
- Bad Eggs/Images
- Bad Eggs/Quotes
- Bad Eggs/Trivia
- Bad Eggs (transcript)
- Badometer
- Bagel and the Beast
- Bagel and the Beast/Images
- Bagel and the Beast/Trivia
- Bagel and the Beast (transcript)
- Bark to Nature
- Bark to Nature/Appearances
- Bark to Nature/Images
- Bark to Nature/Quotes
- Bark to Nature/Trivia
- Bark to the Future
- Bark to the Future/Appearances
- Bark to the Future/Images
- Bark to the Future/Quotes
- Bark to the Future/Trivia
- Bark to the Future (transcript)
- Barking Bad
- Barking Bad/Appearances
- Barking Bad/Images
- Barking Bad/Quotes
- Barking Bad/Trivia
- Barking Bad (transcript)
- Barking Tall
- Barking Tall/Appearances
- Barking Tall/Images
- Barking Tall/Quotes
- Barking Tall/Trivia
- Barking Tall (transcript)
- Bat
- Becky
- Biff
- Big Dog on Campus
- Big Dog on Campus/Appearances
- Big Dog on Campus/Images
- Big Dog on Campus/Quotes
- Big Dog on Campus/Trivia
- Big Dog on Campus (transcript)
- Bigfoot
- Billionfold Inc.
- Billy
- Bird Brain
- Bird Brain/Appearances
- Bird Brain/Images
- Bird Brain/Images/A Doomed Christmas
- Bird Brain/Images/Agent of the Year
- Bird Brain/Images/Booby Trap
- Bird Brain/Images/Crime Takes a Holiday
- Bird Brain/Images/Diary of a Mad Cat
- Bird Brain/Images/Dudley Do-Wrong
- Bird Brain/Images/Happy Howl-O-Ween
- Bird Brain/Images/Hush Puppy
- Bird Brain/Images/Legal Beagle
- Bird Brain/Images/Mom-A-Geddon
- Bird Brain/Images/Monkey Business
- Bird Brain/Images/Puppy Unplugged
- Bird Brain/Images/The Curse of King Mutt
- Bird Brain/Images/The Doomies
- Bird Brain/Images/Thunder Dog
- Bird Brain/Images/Time Waits for No Mutt
- Bird Brain/Quotes
- Bird Brain/Trivia
- Bite Me
- Blaster
- Blitzen
- Block Party
- Bloobyverse
- Bluff Puppy
- Bluff Puppy/Appearances
- Bluff Puppy/Images
- Bluff Puppy/Quotes
- Bluff Puppy/Trivia
- Bluff Puppy (transcript)
- Bluffalo
- Bluffalo/Appearances
- Bluffalo/Images
- Bluffalo/Quotes
- Bluffalo/Trivia
- Bob
- Bob's Big Rat
- Bob Barky
- Bobby
- Bomb Defusing Platypus
- Booby Trap
- Booby Trap/Appearances
- Booby Trap/Images
- Booby Trap/Quotes
- Booby Trap/Trivia
- Booby Trap (transcript)
- Bored of Education
- Bored of Education/Appearances
- Bored of Education/Images
- Bored of Education/Quotes
- Bored of Education/Trivia
- Bored of Education (transcript)
- Bowl-A-Llama
- Brain Switcher
- Brandon Kruse
- British Undercover Fighting Force
- Bryce Riceberg
- Bucky the Eco Beaver
- Butch Hartman
- Camille
- Camp Counselor
- Camp Itchy-Owie-Boo-Boo
- Candi Milo
- Candy Cane-ine
- Candy Cane-ine/Appearances
- Candy Cane-ine/Images
- Candy Cane-ine/Quotes
- Candy Cane-ine/Trivia
- Candy Cane-ine (transcript)
- Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Chameleon
- Carbon Copies
- Carbon Copies/Appearances
- Carbon Copies/Images
- Carbon Copies/Trivia
- Carbon Copies (transcript)
- Carlos Alazraqui
- Carpet World
- Cat Atomic Bomb
- Celia Kendrick
- Chameleon/Images/Frisky Business
- Character Guide
- Charmaine
- Chief-topia
- Chief/Images/Dog House
- Chilly Dog
- Chilly Dog/Appearances
- Chilly Dog/Images
- Chilly Dog/Quotes
- Chilly Dog/Trivia
- Chilly Dog (transcript)
- Chris Parnell
- Christo Stamboliev
- Chuck
- Close Encounters of the Doomed Kind
- Close Encounters of the Doomed Kind/Appearances
- Close Encounters of the Doomed Kind/Images
- Close Encounters of the Doomed Kind/Trivia
- Close Encounters of the Doomed Kind (transcript)
- Coach Delvecchio
- Cod Squad
- Cod Squad/Appearances
- Cod Squad/Trivia
- Cold Fish
- Cold Fish/Appearances
- Cold Fish/Images
- Cold Fish/Quotes
- Cold Fish/Trivia
- Cold Fish (transcript)
- Counting Cougar
- Cow Judge
- Crazy Horse
- Crime Takes a Holiday
- Crime Takes a Holiday/Appearances
- Crime Takes a Holiday/Images
- Crime Takes a Holiday/Quotes
- Crime Takes a Holiday/Trivia
- Cruise Captain
- Cruisin' For A Bruisin'
- Cruisin' For A Bruisin'/Appearances
- Cruisin' For A Bruisin'/Images
- Cruisin' For A Bruisin'/Quotes
- Cruisin' For A Bruisin'/Trivia
- Cruisin' For A Bruisin' (transcript)
- D.O.O.M. Blimp
- D.O.O.M. Buggy
- D.O.O.M. Mobile
- Daisy
- Dale
- Dancin' Machine
- Dancin' Machine/Appearances
- Dancin' Machine/Images
- Dancin' Machine/Trivia
- Daniel Boone Looney
- Daran Norris
- Dave Boat
- Dave Thomas
- Dead or a Lie
- Dead or a Lie/Appearances
- Dead or a Lie/Images
- Dead or a Lie/Trivia
- Deb Puty
- Deirdre Brenner
- Derek
- Desiree
- Diabolical Order Of Mayhem
- Diary of a Mad Cat
- Diary of a Mad Cat/Appearances
- Diary of a Mad Cat/Images
- Diary of a Mad Cat/Quotes
- Diary of a Mad Cat/Trivia
- Diary of a Mad Cat (transcript)
- Disobedience School
- Disobedience School/Appearances
- Disobedience School/Images
- Disobedience School/Quotes
- Disobedience School/Trivia
- Disobedience School (transcript)
- Disobedience School (transcript) -- Part 2
- Dog's Best Friend
- Dog's Best Friend/Appearances
- Dog's Best Friend/Images
- Dog's Best Friend/Quotes
- Dog's Best Friend/Trivia
- Dog's Best Friend (transcript)
- Dog Daze
- Dog Daze/Appearances
- Dog Daze/Images
- Dog Daze/Quotes
- Dog Daze/Trivia
- Dog Daze (transcript)
- Dog Dish
- Dog Dish/Appearances
- Dog Dish/Images
- Dog Dish/Quotes
- Dog Dish/Trivia
- Dog Dish (transcript)
- Dog House
- Dog House/Appearances
- Dog House/Images
- Dog House/Quotes
- Dog House/Trivia
- Dog House (transcript)
- Dog Save The Queen
- Dog Save The Queen/Appearances
- Dog Save The Queen/Images
- Dog Save The Queen/Quotes
- Dog Save The Queen/Trivia
- Dog Save The Queen (transcript)
- Dog Tired
- Dog Tired/Appearances
- Dog Tired/Images
- Dog Tired/Quotes
- Dog Tired/Trivia
- Dog Tired (transcript)
- Donutomic Atomizer
- Doom-mates
- Doom-mates/Appearances
- Doom-mates/Images
- Doom-mates/Quotes
- Doom-mates/Trivia
- Doom-mates (transcript)
- Doom and Gloom
- Doom and Gloom/Appearances
- Doom and Gloom/Images
- Doom and Gloom/Quotes
- Doom and Gloom/Trivia
- Doom and Gloom (transcript)
- Dorothy Camel
- Dr. Fineberg
- Dr. Rabies
- Dream Destroyer
- Duck
- Dudley-Kitty Relationship
- Dudley Do-Wrong
- Dudley Do-Wrong/Appearances
- Dudley Do-Wrong/Images
- Dudley Do-Wrong/Quotes
- Dudley Do-Wrong/Trivia
- Dudley Do-Wrong (transcript)
- Dudley Puppy
- Dudley Puppy/Appearances
- Dudley Puppy/Images
- Dudley Puppy/Images/'Til Doom Do Us Part
- Dudley Puppy/Images/A Doomed Christmas
- Dudley Puppy/Images/Acting TUFF
- Dudley Puppy/Images/Agent of the Year
- Dudley Puppy/Images/Bad Eggs
- Dudley Puppy/Images/Bark to Nature
- Dudley Puppy/Images/Bark to the Future
- Dudley Puppy/Images/Barking Tall
- Dudley Puppy/Images/Big Dog on Campus
- Dudley Puppy/Images/Bluff Puppy
- Dudley Puppy/Images/Booby Trap
- Dudley Puppy/Images/Bored of Education
- Dudley Puppy/Images/Candy Cane-ine
- Dudley Puppy/Images/Carbon Copies