T.U.F.F. Puppy Wiki

Kitty Katswell

Gender: Female
Species: Cat
Age: Mid-late 20s
Birthday: March 3rd
Hair color:       Black
      Tan (Fur)
Eye color:       Green
Personal Information
  Turbo Undercover Fighting Force
  Secret Agent
  917 Catwalk, Petropolis, CA
  Tour Guide (Purr-fect Partners)
Mean Lady (Mall Rat)
Vince (Chilly Dog)
Mitzy (Mom-A-Geddon)
The Unfunny Sidekick (Iron Mutt)
Boring Lady (Bored of Education)
Princess (Cold Fish)
  Dudley Puppy
The Chief
The Chameleon
Bird Brain
Jack Rabbit
Love Interests:
  Eric (future husband)
Unknown father
Unnamed mother
Katty Katswell (twin sister)
Production Information
First Appearance:
  "Purr-fect Partners"
Last Appearance:
  "T.U.F.F. Break Up" (series)
"Fairly Odd Phantom" (crossover)
Voiced by:
Grey DeLisle-Griffin
Elisabetta Spinelli (Italian Dub)
Adina Lucaciu (Romanian Dub)
Hanna Syrbu (Russian Dub)
Natalya Romanʹko (Ukrainian Voice-over)

“I speak 120 dialects fluently, mastered all forms of martial arts, and my claws are registered as lethal weapons.”
Kitty Katswell, Purr-fect Partners

Kitty Katswell is the co-protagonist of T.U.F.F. Puppy. She is T.U.F.F.'s #1 agent. Kitty is also an expert in combat, weapons, and detective work. She is Dudley's partner, assigned to train him as a T.U.F.F. agent, but often finds herself and her skills foiled by Dudley's antics.



Kitty with her twin sister - Katty in the photograph.

Kitty is an agent at the Turbo Undercover Fighting Force, and is regarded as one of its greatest agents. Her claws are registered lethal weapons, and she is proficient at using many weapons, gadgets, and disguises. She is also shown to be very athletic, being able to do a lot of physically challenging actions that come in handy during her missions. Despite this, she does have a few weaknesses, such as her shaky relationship with her mother and sister, or her schoolgirl-like love for Eric, the water delivery guy which can distract her (even in combat). Kitty was even trained to be skilled in combat (martial arts), languages (120 dialects) and firearm usage.


Kitty Katswell 351

Kitty's seriousness when on the job

Kitty is shown to be kind, caring, protective, supportive and can be comforting as well. Although, she's seen as a tough-talking, no-nonsense girl (most of the time). As revealed in "Puppy Love", Kitty knows many things that guys like to do to impress girls, proving that she's knowledgeable and also able to be observant. Additionally, she can act cautious but known to be pushy because of her temper and could be fooled (by The Chameleon for example).

Dudley often aggravates Kitty with his stupidity and when he always chews his buttocks (also when he'd say the word "exactly," as revealed in Diary of a Mad Cat), but she still considers him to be a worthwhile partner and a good friend. Their partnership usually injures her in a comedic manner.

She gets very annoyed whenever her birthday is brought up, hinting a rough childhood. Kitty shows her cat-instincts whenever she gets distracted by seeing cat goodies, tends to purr and flirtatiously wag her tail when seen showing affection.


Kitty blowing a raspberry at Dudley in Puppy Unplugged

Despite being more mature, Kitty can also be as childish and silly as Dudley at times. This is shown in Share-A-Lair, when she laughs at Dudley's practical jokes towards Snaptrap. Another example could be in Puppy Unplugged, in which Kitty rudely blows a raspberry at Dudley.


Kitty is a tall, athletic and tan-furred anthropomorphic cat who stands at 5 foot 6", excluding hair and ears (as shown in The Doomies), with large lime-green eyes, a long tail, retractable claws and whiskers, though the whiskers have only been seen in Doom-Mates. Her black hair with bangs is mid-length and wavy, and is kept into a hairstyle that is stereotypical to female spies or agents.

Kitty's attire consists of a two-piece, popped-collared dark teal suit and belt. Additionally, her headband, turtleneck top, gloves and high-heeled boots are white.


Kitty getting angry at Dudley, with her eyes having turned red

Sometimes, the irises in Kitty's eyes turn bright red whenever she would get very angry. Younger versions of Kitty have been shown and vary from episode to episode, but most consistently have her with freckles and wearing braces. Her hairstyles take many features from Trixie Tang and Tootie from The Fairly OddParents, notably the long straight hair with headband or pigtails. Kitty was also turned into a baby by the Young Gun and had darker hair on her belly, and later, an elderly woman with a walker and tiny purple glasses.


According to Operation: Happy Birthday, Kitty's birthdays as a child were disastrous because of her cat-like instincts. She also mentions that she spent 8 years of secret agent college in Toast of T.U.F.F., and before becoming partners with Dudley, she used to be partners with Jack Rabbit but not much else is known.

Interactions with Other Characters (Alphabetically)

The Chameleon

Cat Atomic Bomb

Kitty getting captured by The Chameleon

Kitty was the first person to ever imprison The Chameleon, which he was revealed in Doom-mates. The Chameleon tries to seek revenge on her after escaping from prison, although his plans were foiled in the end. In later episodes, The Chameleon's rivalry with Kitty seemed to disappear, and The Chameleon doesn't try getting revenge on Kitty anymore, but instead, tries to get revenge on the agency itself.

It is possible that The Chameleon has a small liking to her, because in the Guard Dog episode when the train reached Petsburgh, Kitty was forced to take care of The Chameleon, much to his pleasure.

The Chief


Kitty with The Chief

The Chief is the leader of T.U.F.F.. Kitty tends to be very obedient towards him, even when he orders her to do something that she doesn't appreciate. However in Mind Trap, after The Chief insulted her fish cookies and threw them into a dumpster, Kitty became very disgruntled and hesitated to save him after he was kidnapped by D.O.O.M..


Main article: Dudley-Kitty Relationship

Kitty hugging Dudley

Although they are partners, Dudley and Kitty obtain a bickering cat-dog relationship. Kitty usually takes Dudley's way of being nice the wrong way. She is also shown to dislike his dimwitted thoughts and actions. These instances usually ends up in them fighting in early episodes. Despite this, they still care for each other, and themselves, like siblings do, and Dudley and Kitty have a brother-sister relationship. They later became heartfelt friends. It is even rumored among many fans of the series, that they have some sort of a relationship with each other. Even though Kitty finds most of Dudley's antics a little annoying, she still considers him a good agent and the best partner she's ever had.



Kitty with Keswick

Not much is shown to the interactions between Kitty and Keswick, but she clearly considers him a valuable friend, and at one point was in deep grief because she thought that Keswick died, along with Dudley and The Chief. Keswick was so touched by their sadness for him that he does give them all a hug (Toast of T.U.F.F.). She felt very sad when he supposedly turned evil in (Snapnapped). Keswick is apparently afraid of girls but he is comfortable talking with her most of the time, likely due to being friends and co-workers for a long time.

Verminious Snaptrap


Kitty with Snaptrap

Snaptrap is one of Kitty's usual enemies.

He was the first villain who was shown interacting with Kitty at the beginning of the series. Since then, she has been on hot pursuit of him and his henchmen.

He was her dance instructor in one episode. It helped her to foil The Chameleon's ploy.

Bird Brain

Bird Brain is another one of Kitty's usual enemies. However, he seems to view Dudley as more of a threat to his evil plans than Kitty.


Kitty Katswell

Turbo Undercover Fighting Force
Dudley PuppyKitty KatswellKeswickThe Chief
Other Agents: Agent AmoebaAgent BaconBobbyAgent BossyAgent BullGeorge LooneyAgent GoldfishAgent GroundhogAgent Guinea PigAgent HammerheadAgent JumboAgent KidKIL-RAgent MobyNocturnal T.U.F.F. AgentsAgent NutzPercivalAgent RodentskiAgent ScarecrowAgent SeabiscuitAgent Sea CucumberAgent SkunkScary JimmySally ManderTammyT.U.F.F. Troopers