T.U.F.F. Puppy Wiki

Bird Brain
Bird Brain
Gender: Male
Species: Blue-bottomed booby
Age: 23
Hair color:       Red
Eye color:       Blue
Personal Information
  Zippy (Main Hench-Woman)
  Evil genius
  Evil Lair Hill, Petropolis, CA 91502
  Lame Brain, Birdypoo
  Zippy(possibly), Owl (minnon only), Bat (minnon only), Duck (minnon only), Ewe (minnon only) Verminious Snaptrap (just an accomplice)
The Chameleon (Strictly an accomplice)
  Dudley Puppy
Kitty Katswell
The Chief
His Minions (sometimes)
  Rule the world

Learning to fly

Aunt Lulu (Aunt)
Production Information
First Appearance:
  Snapnapped (intro, non-speaking cameo)
Mom-a-Geddon (first speaking role)
Last Appearance:
  Puff Puppy
Voiced by:
Rob Paulsen

Mario Scarabelli (Italian Dub)

“Face my blue-bottomed fury!”
Bird Brain

Bird Brain is one of the three main antagonists of T.U.F.F. Puppy (alongside Snaptrap and the Chameleon). He is an evil criminal genius and mad scientist. He's a blue-bottomed booby who can't fly, so he uses gliders, cannons, and other flying contraptions he built, and has problems finding decent henchmen to help him. He does have a little hummingbird ally named Zippy, who is completely oblivious to the fact that he can't fly and constantly tells him that he can fly if he believes. He has laid eggs for comedic effect.


Unlike the other villains of the show, Bird Brain seems to be quite intelligent and capable of his job, but he still ends up being constantly foiled by T.U.F.F. agents. One problem Bird Brain often faces is that he lacks good enough henchmen, except for his scatter-brained hummingbird companion, Zippy. He also seems to be constantly making references to his blue bottom. He is also seen as somewhat of a noblemen villain, as he usually is arrested gracefully when he knows he's been bested, unlike the other villains on the show who usually just try to make a break for it or go into denial.


He is colored mostly blue, with some red feathers, and wears a purple colored tuxedo jacket and a black bow tie with a white oxford shirt underneath. He also wears a monocle over his eye. Despite being a bird, Bird Brain is a species of bird that is unable to fly (which Zippy is oblivious to), and therefore, he has no visible wings.

He is 23, yet he appears old or middle-aged. It's possible that he has a mild aging disorder as he did say in Thunder Dog that he prematurely molts. It's also possible that he's Jewish, having mentioned in A Doomed Christmas that he hasn't even had his "bird mitzvah" yet. Vocally he is reminiscent of character actor Jonathan Harris.


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Bird Brain when he was a child, seen in Hush Puppy.

Bird Brain was introduced in the episode "Mom-a-Geddon", although he had a prior non-speaking cameo in "Snapnapped". In Mom-A-Geddon, his plan to create a bracelet which would blow up every toilet in Petropolis was foiled by Dudley Puppy and Kitty Katswell, so he attempted to get the bracelet back by sneaking into T.U.F.F. Headquarters. After he was foiled numerous times due to the T.U.F.F. agents being disguised for the sake of fooling Dudley's mother, Bird Brain finally figured out he really was in T.U.F.F. HQ, and quickly kidnapped Dudley's mother who was holding his bracelet. Dudley was able to stop Bird Brain and rescued his mother from him while Bird Brain plummeted back to the ground, unable to fly.

Bird Brain was also present at the Doomie Awards in the episode "The Doomies", where he made constant egg-puns while attempting to blow up Petropolis with his egg-sploding egg. He was stopped and arrested once again by T.U.F.F. agents.

Bird Brain once again played a major role in "Thunder Dog", where a thunder cannon he made caused Dudley problems. Because Dudley was afraid of thunder, the sound of the cannon frightened Dudley and foiled T.U.F.F.'s attempts to stop Bird Brain from stealing the materials he needed for creating his latest scheme, a mountain estate called Rancho Boobamunga. In this episode, Bird Brain also had two other henchmen, an Owl and a Bat. The owl would instinctively only respond with "Who?" while the bat could not see and responded only with "Where?", causing Bird Brain more frustration when Zippy also chimed in "Why?"

In Booby Trap, Bird Brain find out that he is the only blue-bottomed booby in existence. With that, he was certified as an endangered species, allowing him, Zippy and his henchmen to commit as many crimes as they wanted. The Eco Beaver would assure everyone of this and taser anyone who would try to harm him. His endangerment made Kitty and Dudley unable to harm him in any way and got them sent to jail, where Snaptrap revealed to them Bird Brain's top secret plan to hatch a giant monster bird to wreak havoc on Petropolis that he found on the internet. When the monster bird hatched, Bird Brain was no longer the only blue-bottomed booby in existence, as his monster was one as well, therefore canceling out his endangerment. His monster wasn't able to fly just like him, and his scheme was thwarted and he was sent to jail, where he was last seen being tasered by Bucky the Eco Beaver for stealing Snaptrap's pudding.

In Hush Puppy, it is revealed and shown that Bird Brain had hair and lost it as a child due to a stress-related illness. It was also implied in this same episode that he was a student of Blue Bottom Elementary.

Relationship with Other Characters (Alphabetically)[]


Bat is one of Bird Brain's incompetent henchmen. His blindness and constant asking "Where?" drives him crazy. Though he does seem to be impressed with him one time when he did what he was told without saying. "Where?". Though, it is implied in T.U.F.F. Break Up that the resentment Bird Brain has toward Bat (and all his henchman) is mutual.

Bite Me[]

Bite Me is an alligator who is one of Bird Brain's henchmen. His name is often mispronounced "Beetme". when corrected on how to properly pronounce his name Bird Brain immediately fired him.

The Chameleon[]

Bird Brain is not entirely fond of The Chameleon. When they and Snaptrap teamed up to steal the bone of King Mutt, Bird Brain found The Chameleon really annoying with his optimism of their alliance and wanted to be in solitary confinement to get away from him. and has said multiply times that he doesn't like The Chameleon and only tolerates him for his help in a scheme.


Duck is one of Bird Brain's more recent henchmen. It is unknown if they have a relationship.

Dudley Puppy[]

Bird Brain considers Dudley Puppy a threat despite his lack of intelligence, though there are instances where he get's annoyed with Dudley's lack of common sense. Most of his plans are often thwarted by Dudley himself such as when he kidnapped his mom, used a thunder cannon to attempt to level Petropolis, and was classified as an endangered species to avoid harm. Dudley seems to know how to fight Bird Brain slightly more so than Kitty, and oddly enough has Bird Brain as a regular contact on his phone (picture and everything). Though it should be noted that Bird Brain was pretty annoyed and disgusted when Dudley had developed a crush on him in Puppy Love thanks to Bird Brain's love ray, though he happily reaped the benefits of a T.U.F.F. agents undying love, such as not having to go to jail after robbing a bank.


Ewe is one of Bird Brain's henchmen. They don't seem to like each other.


Fly is (possibly) one of Bird Brain's henchmen. Bird Brain's not even sure if he's a henchman or not as he appears to have just shown up one day.

Holy Cow[]

Holy Cow is one of Bird Brain's henchmen.

Kitty Katswell[]

Bird Brain sees Kitty Katswell as a threat, and acknowledges that she's the smarter of the crime fighting pair. Though he did mistake kitty for an Dudley's assistant in his debut episode and assumed she was a black cat in Happy Howl-O-Ween implying that he really doesn't pay much attention to her.


Owl is one of Bird Brain's incompetent henchmen. Whenever Bird Brain addresses someone, Owl just spouts "Who?" as a take on the sound owls make. Bird Brain despises him for this and has threatened to crush him with a bolder, electrify him with a taser, and taking Owl to an alternate dimension where Owl would've been killed on sight. Though it was shown in T.U.F.F. Break Up that Owl and the other henchmen (besides zippy) dislike him as well and are seen throwing darts at his picture.

Peck Me[]

Peck Me is a goose who is one of Bird Brain's henchmen. His name is often mispronounced "peekme".

Peg Puppy[]

Bird Brain doesn't communicate with Peg Puppy as much as some of the other important villains, but he tried to get his toilet laser bracelet back from her and also cruelly dropped her to her death. He was also the first villain Peg saw Dudley arrest.

Verminious Snaptrap[]

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Bird Brain and Snaptrap in prison

Bird Brain and Verminious Snaptrap seem to share a friendly enemy type relationship as they have had there moment of disliking each other but also seem to be fairly fond of each other. In A Doomed Christmas Bird Brain seemed relatively annoyed to have to spend his Christmas with the likes of Snaptrap. Snaptrap believes Bird Brain to be old with his appearance, but does seem to respect him as one of the most competent villain. Though it was revealed in Dead or a Lie that Bird Brain and Snaptrap hang out with each other outside of their criminal activities, it was also revealed in A Doomed Christmas that Bird Brain asked Snaptrap to be his room-mate, and Bird Brain attended Snaptrap's villain party when Keswick was pretending to be part of D.O.O.M. But when Bird Brain took Snaptrap's pudding in Booby Trap, the Eco Beaver tased him, which Snaptrap thanked him for.


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Bird Brain and Zippy share a confused glance

Zippy is Bird Brain's main and most cheerful minion. Out of all the people he's had in his employ Bird Brain seems to hate Zippy the least and even somewhat fond of her, given that she's the only henchmen who doesn't just say one word and actually talks to him. This allows the two to actually have (somewhat) intellectual conversations, which he seems to appreciate. This however doesn't mean he won't get annoyed at her when she misunderstands him, tells him he can fly if he believes, or she somehow gets in the way of his plan. Her upbeat attitude seems to also bug him at times but he usually seems to disregard it, being as she's the only henchman who's even remotely engaged in his plans, and he does seem to respect her enough to take her advise. once she told him he could fly if he believed, which he tried (much to his eventual regret). Regardless she'll always be there to inform him on how he can make the best of any given situation.

Bird Brain
